Learning Materials Designers
This site is a product of a collaborative work of 6 talented teachers of Arabic as a foreign language, with extensive and long experience teaching Arabic at the university level. We come from various backgrounds and geographical regions that will be reflected in the variety of material presented in our modules of learning Arabic. We all share a great interest and enthusiasm for applying new technologies in language learning and teaching. We also share a desire to make learning Arabic as a foreign and second language accessible to a wider population of learners.
Khulood Kittaneh خلود كتانه
Senior Lecturer of Arabic Language at New York University New York
Omima Elaraby أميمة العربي
Senior Lecturer of Arabic Language at New York University Abu Dhabi
Manal Al Marzooqi منال المرزوقي
Senior Lecturer of Arabic Language at New York University Abu Dhabi
Corinne Stokes كورين ستوكس
Senior Lecturer of Arabic Language at New York University New York
Ghada Badawi غادة بدوي
Clinical Associate Professor of Arabic Language at New York University New York
Amani Hassan أماني حسان
Clinical Professor of Arabic Language at New York University New York